Beyond Beauty with Erica Bogart
Regardless of background, race, sex, and profession we all experience challenges. From romantic heartbreak, death of a loved one, day to day anxiety and other stressors, we can all agree that taking care of yourself is the key to success, wealth, and mental stability.
We sat down with one of Atlanta’s top beauty experts and mental health advocate, Erica Bogart of Bogart Beauty to discuss how she balances being an entrepreneur and woman on the go!
LL: What’s the first thing you do in the morning? And the last thing you do before bed?
Erica: My morning routine first involves me turning on daily calm (an app) that helps ease me into waking up followed by morning meditation. I then read my horoscope using the Co-star and Pattern app. Before I stand up out of bed, I am sure to take 5 deep breaths. Once I am up and moving, I proceed with my morning skincare routine. I either drink MudWTR or Green Tea along with morning vitamins to get my digestive system into gear before I tackle emails or head to my clients!
As I settle down for the day, my evening routine is as follows: Nighttime skincare routine- prepare anything I need for the next day. Gua Sha, take 5 deep breaths before bed with aromatherapy spray and stretch, as it helps calm my mind. Take CBD, night-time probiotics and de-stress supplements. If the evening happens to be a Full moon or a New moon I incorporate setting intentions and goals and even do this throughout the month.
LL: Tell us the importance of self-care and mental health in today’s time.
Erica: I have personally experienced burnout, along with adrenal fatigue from overworking myself, travel and my fast paced life - this inspired me to talk more about self-care & self-love and my experiences with my community online. The media has contributed extensively to so many of us feeling less than. So often we compare ourselves to these perfectly curated squares we see on social media. THAT is not real life. Perspective is key and realizing that those posts are the highlight reel of someone's life, helps us to keep a better grasp on reality.
In addition to that, I encourage others to have a healthy relationship with themselves and to not rely on others for your happiness. With that being said, there is a fine line we straddle as humans where there will be times where we cannot be afraid of talking to others about what we are going through. Therapy and transparency should be normalized vs. pretending and managing an image. I believe our mental health should be discussed as openly as our physical health and wellbeing. Taking time for yourself will help you be better for others and show up in a more positive way for your friends and family. Making time for yourself is not selfish it's SELF-ish!
By consistently practicing self-care, our self-awareness will also increase. Recognizing triggers and patterns are important to growing. Don't forget the most important relationship you will ever have is with yourself.
LL: What have you done this year to maintain with your mental health?
Erica: I learned to be comfortable with saying NO more often. I have a fast-paced schedule so simply taking time to be home and slow down in silence helps me tremendously. I also do hot yoga and pilates as it helps to slow my pace. I started using an app called @enjoybloom it is CBT therapy and like a therapist in your pocket. Plus, it is digital so you can reference past entries easily depending upon the topic. Since I am the queen of making to-do lists, I always feel like I have to be crossing something off each day to feel productive. I prioritize things into different categories and give realistic timelines to complete them that will not stress me out.
LL: What tips do you give other beauty professionals who are navigating entrepreneurship during a pandemic?
Erica: Continue to show up for your clients, share your skill set, they are a gift to many. Continue to learn from others around you. Having open communication with your clients and remembering that we are all affected by this in some capacity is a major part of success right now. Working together to come to a fair resolution in the reschedules, but also what staying fair to your business. Use this time to get the back end of your business organized! I cannot stress this enough, bc once you get working, not being in order is just a whole mess to deal with! Your clients will notice it and appreciate it as well. Also, think about your financial future. DO not just live for the now, if anything last year showed us is that we are non-essential- we work in an inconsistent industry and offer a luxury service.
LL: What are you looking forward to most in the new year?
Erica: Professionally, launching my new website, focusing on skincare, self-care, education, new branding ideas and expanding my team/network! And in my personal life, renovating my condo I purchased at the end of last year!